; World of Dennifer: Annnd now...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Annnd now...

I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach with anxiety over leaving her while I go in to the office. Luckily, I'm only in the office 3 days a week - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. I telework or I am off the other days (every other Friday I'm off because I work 9 hour days), but this week, I think I'll have to work Monday-Wednesday in the office due to a mandatory meeting that I have to be present for on Wednesday. And when I'm in the office, I'm gone for nearly the whole day - about 12 hours - because my job is sorta far away from my house. Eeek. Three straight days without my little munchkin. Will she miss me? Probably not. It'll probably be more me missing her. As long as her basic needs are met, which I'm sure will be with my sister, then she will be fine. I hear the first week is the toughest & at least I'm off this Friday. It's just that I'm scared & nervous & anxious & feeling guilty & everythingelsebadyoucanthinkof. I know there are thousands of working moms out there, but right now I feel like I'm the only one. Why do I feel like this when earlier in the week {as recent as yesterday}, I was excited to be back around adults for at least some of the week? I guess it's because the eve is upon me. I'll check in & let you guys know how it goes tomorrow. Please pray, send good wishes, etc. that I get through this week without becoming a total basket case. I'll probably call my sister about 15,678 times. ::winks:: 'Till next time.


Life Happens said...

I hope your first day back wasn't too bad for you today. It's great that you can telecommute a few days.

I'm sure baby girl misses you just as much! I hope the separation anxiety will get better :)