Here are a couple befores:
Ewww...old, gold/brassy fixture that was almost certainly original to the house, which was built back in 1994. I HATE brass - it is my mortal enemy & I am slowly waging & winning the battle of the brass in this house. Literally EVERYTHING is brass - I mean the fixtures, door knobs, towel bar in the powder room, door/cabinet hardware on the kitchen cabinets...everything. So, we are slowly, but surely switching out everything for things with a shiny nickle/silver finish.
So, without further adieu - here are the afters:
Light, woot! PS - please ignore the outline of the old fixture on the ceiling - I have a request in to my uncle to paint our ceilings. He is a professional painter & frankly, I just REALLY don't want to paint the ceilings...I'm a little scared & a lot of "I just don't feel up to it". Contrary to what one might think, I hate painting altogether really. Anywho, the fixture was from Lowes for like $30 & I like it a lot more than what we had before - it's a lot more modern, uses energy efficient bulbs & is much brighter!
In other D&R news, we are hard at work (at least we will be come tomorrow morning) on our MBath re-do! I got the over the toilet storage nook in from Overstock the other day & I'm excited for everything to come together.
Happy Halloween!!! Stay safe tonight. :o)