; World of Dennifer: Sorry to leave y'all hanging...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sorry to leave y'all hanging...

I have been swamped with work {what else is new, eh?} & then in class for work the first part of this week. And this past weekend, I was focusing on spending time with the munchkin since she'd be in daycare all week. I'm happy, however, to report that AJ did just fine in daycare during her first week! She was crying on & off all day the first day, crying a little less the second & by the end of the week, only whining here & there when we dropped her off. She L-O-V-E-S all the other children & really likes both of the teachers in her room, which makes me feel so good! We made a good decision in the place we chose, woot!

Anyways, just wanted to give a quick update. I'll be back in the next day or two to announce my *newest*  project makeover series!! I'm so excited :) Also, I need to do Baby AJ's 8-9 month post, my top mommy must haves for 3+ months. 'Till next time!