; World of Dennifer: Tomorrow is Turkey Day!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tomorrow is Turkey Day!

In my last post, I compiled my to do list for this week leading up to Thanksgiving! I can't believe it's tomorrow & that means Christmas is right around the corner...eek! The only person I have bought anything for so far is my hubby & we like to shower each other with gifts every year, so I need to figure out what else to get him. Thanks to my *new* wishing jar, I have a few ideas on the last few things to buy for him! I hope he likes his presents!!

Before I get ahead of myself though, I need to get through Turkey Day on Thursday, so here is my updated list (completed items crossed out):

Monday, 11/23/09:
  • Purchase cook/serve ware needed to prepare the meal. I still need a veggie scrub brush, hand held measuring cups (good for non-liquid measuring), gravy boat & possibly some extra Tupperware. Planning to purchase all of this tonight.
  • Clean master bed & bath; vacuum upstairs bedrooms.
Tuesday, 11/24/09:
  • Go past mom's house to borrow celery salt.
  • Purchase fresh ingredients & any remaining items not purchased before.
  • Prepare cranberry sauce/relish; refrigerate.
  • Clean guest bedroom, powder room, guest bathroom (in basement), basement. The hubbs is in charge of the basement & bath down there.
  • Freecycle items we need to get rid of.
  • Wash clothes & towels.
Wednesday, 11/25/09:
  • Make sweet potato pie; refrigerate.
  • Make potato salad; refrigerate.
  • Complete any left over cleaning that needs to be done; re-vacuum main level (dogs!).
  • Do final ingredient check for tomorrow's dishes.
Thursday, Turkey Day! 11/26/09:
  • Hubbs picks up turkey @ 8:15am. Get up & get showered/dressed.
  • Set out plates, cups, napkins, cutlery, etc.
  • Start prepping/cooking around 12:30pm: prep mac & cheese green bean casserole.
  • Around 1pm - pop turkey in over to re-heat prior to serving. Possibly may be usining my friend's oven who lives across the street & who will be out of town for TG.
  • Around 2pm - pop mac & cheese into oven (35 min); boil potatoes for mashed potatoes & prep yams.
  • After about 10 min.of the mac & cheese cooking, lower heat to 350 degrees, then pop in green bean casserole & candied yams in for about 30 min. each.
  • While those three dishes are cooking, prepare mashed potatoes & gravy (store bought with some additions).
  • Have favorite sous chef (AKA - the hubbs) prepare champagne punch for adults & get kids cups filled with ice for soda.
  • Serve meal & say prayer around 3:00pm-3:30pm. Eat & enjoy!
  • Clean up as much as possible after eating.
I think that's it! As you can see, I'm a little behind. And my husband's family gets in tonight! Luckily I'm working from home today...cross your fingers for me that everything goes smoothly. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!